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NAIST SDGs Action 2024 Vol.5 – Cotton Cultivation in Fallow Rice Field Project 2024 Part 3: Weeding-2nd (August 3, 2024→September 29, 2024)

Cotton Cultivation in Fallow Rice Field Project 2024

Tabio Corporation’s initiative to cultivate cotton in fallow rice fields is attracting attention as a new trial of agriculture and industry that not only protects fallow rice fields, but also creates employment opportunities, revitalizes local economies, and ensures traceability of raw materials (see article here). In support of this initiative, we have held cotton harvesting events in fallow rice fields in 2021 to 2023 as the NAIST SDGs Action. In this year, we hope that participants will not only pick cotton balls, but also experience the various processes of cotton cultivation, such as sowing seeds and weeding, and think about the SDGs through interaction with senior and Tabio’s employees who work in the fields. We look forward to your participation.

Cotton Cultivation in Fallow Rice Field Project 2024 Part 3: Weeding_2nd

Date and Time: September 29, 2024 (Sunday) 10:00 ~ 12:00
Venue: Koryo Town, Kitakatsuragi-gun, Nara Prefecture
(Meet there by car or public transportation. Detailed information will be sent to participants by e-mail after September 26.)
Capacity: 10 people (In order of application. We will close the meeting as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.)
Participation fee: Free (Participants are responsible for their own transportation expenses.)
(Registration is required. Group participants must be represented by a representative.)
Application form: Here
Contact to: CDG Office

Organized by: NAIST CDG
Cooperated by: Tabio Corporation, Tabio Nara Co.