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Digital Green Innovation Program

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NAIST Green Economy Consortium



The 3rd SDGs x CDG Seminar (2023.8.2) (for students, faculty, staff and NAIST related persons only)

The Center for Digital Green-innovation (CDG) is planning a seminar on the SDGs, and Assistant Professor Tokuno (CDG) will be speaking on the theme “Thinking about the SDGs from the Roots – Comparing the Ideas of Justice”. All interested parties are welcome to attend.

The 3rd SDGs x CDG Seminar “Considering the SDGs from the Roots – Comparing the Ideas of Justice”
Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2023, 17:00-18:30
Place: Hybrid (CDG Commons (Interdisciplinary Research Building No.1, 2nd floor) + Online (Zoom))
Admission: Free (application required)
Registration: If you wish to attend, please register using the following link (Google Form).

Title: Considering the SDGs from the Roots -Comparing the Ideas of Justice
Speaker: Dr. Sohei Tokuno (Assistant Professor, CDG)
Abstract: In recent years, in order to collaborate with other stakeholders and obtain grants, we are required to position our own research within a larger vision, such as the SDGs, which the idea of “justice,” underpins referring to thinking about “rightness” in the most universal sense. This seminar will deal with two contrasting ideas of justice: “justice as fairness” and “structural injustice. If we consider institutions and laws aside, the answer to the question of “how the world should be” is not a univocal one, but one that each individual will gradually weave together as they grow older and reflect on their own experiences. Nevertheless, knowing what kind of ideas of justice exist will help us in setting a vision that will be relevant to us in the future. If you are interested, please join us.

Contact: seminar-info@cdg.naist.jp
Organized by Center for Digital Green-innovation (CDG)